Healthy Alliance named Social Care Network (SCN) lead entity by NYSDOH. Read more here!
Somml Health Inc.

Somml Health Inc.

We connect real-time health information and communication between patients and care teams to improve the health of your members and lower costs without you lifting a finger.
Schenectady County Community College SUNY

Schenectady County Community College SUNY

The College is part of the State University of New York (SUNY) system and emphasizes high-quality academic programs, broad access for students, and responsiveness to the needs of the community. For nearly 50 years, the College has been an important part of Schenectady...
Schenectady ARC

Schenectady ARC

Schenectady ARC is a chapter of The ARC New York, Inc., a private, not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities and their families throughout New York State. Schenectady ARC was founded by...
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