Healthy Alliance named Social Care Network (SCN) lead entity by NYSDOH. Read more here!

we know coordinating care can be difficult

That’s why we’ve built a network of clinical, behavioral, and human services organizations that lend a hand to improve community health.



Community-Based Organizations, Schools, Social Clubs, Government Agencies, and More
  • Free access to our coordinated referral network and data insights to ensure community members get the help they need.
  • Ongoing training, reporting, and personalized support from our local team.
  • Opportunity to participate in our service offerings including transportation, language line, and grant writing assistance, and partake in network-wide contracting.
Clinical Providers and Health Systems
  • From start to finish, our team will help manage your referrals to ensure community members get the services they need.
  • Potential to participate in shared savings through progressive contracting with managed care organizations.
  • Reduce “social admissions” that may not be reimbursed.
  • Reduce “social bed days” and delayed discharges due to social factors.
  • Reduce preventable readmissions within 30 days and subsequent CMS penalties.
  • Improve commercial and NYS/CMS clinical quality measure performance.

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