Healthy Alliance named Social Care Network (SCN) lead entity by NYSDOH. Read more here!

Healthy Alliance

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In The News

CDPHP and Healthy Alliance IPA Partner with The Food Pantries for the Capital District To Improve Member Health by Tackling Food Insecurity

CDPHP and Healthy Alliance IPA Partner with The Food Pantries for the Capital District To Improve Member Health by Tackling Food Insecurity

Health Inequity in the Time of a Pandemic

Health Inequity in the Time of a Pandemic

Alliance For Better Health gets smart thermometers to food pantries, homeless shelters

Alliance For Better Health gets smart thermometers to food pantries, homeless shelters

Alliance For Better Health gets smart thermometers to food pantries, homeless shelters

Alliance For Better Health gets smart thermometers to food pantries, homeless shelters

In New York, group distributes Kinsa smart thermometers to protect against COVID-19

In New York, group distributes Kinsa smart thermometers to protect against COVID-19

Alliance to Distribute 7,500 Smart Thermometers to CBO Workers, Underserved Individuals in New York

Alliance to Distribute 7,500 Smart Thermometers to CBO Workers, Underserved Individuals in New York

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